Postoperative instructions after you’ve had implant surgery

The Wickham Terrace Dental team are grateful that you’ve chosen us to place your dental implant. Below are some basic post-operative instructions to help make your recovery as comfortable as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns at all, please contact our office on 3831 3031.

General instructions

  • AVOID strenuous physical activity and smoking for the first 48-72 hours following your procedure.
  • It is absolutely essential that you keep all follow-up appointments. Routine follow-up appointments allow us to identify potential problems that could complicate your recovery.
  • Continue with the prescribed medications and AVOID all alcoholic and carbonated beverages.
  • The pain medications recommended (normally 400mg ibuprofen followed by 1000mg paracetamol) should be taken BEFORE the anaesthesia used for the surgery wears off, to minimise pain and swelling.
  • Apply cold compresses to the surgical side of your face INTERMITTENTLY during the first 48hours. Following this period, apply moist or wet warm compresses intermittently to reduce swelling as needed.
  • Do not wear your complete or partial dentures until advised. If a temporary tooth was placed on your implant today, it is critical that you do not bite on this tooth until advised.
  • Occasionally, the cover screw or healing abutment may loosen or even fall out. This should not affect the stability of your implant. It is important, however, to call us as soon as possible so we can replace it for you.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during the healing process.
  • If necessary, you can lubricate the corners of your mouth with lip balm.
  • Begin a complete, but soft diet and avoid spicy and crunchy foods.

Detailed instructions

Specific post implant placement instructions

Following your surgical procedure, you must take extreme care to avoid placing any biting pressure on the implant or implant site(s), no matter how light the biting force. 

If a removable prosthetic appliance was placed, it should not contact the implant or tissue in the area of the implant placement AT ALL. If a temporary was placed on the implant immediately, all biting contact with or without food should be avoided. If you feel any contact on the temporary when your teeth come completely together, please contact the Wickham Terrace Dental office immediately and schedule an appointment right away. 

Remember that putting premature pressure on an implant before your three months of healing are complete may result in implant failure and/or healing complications.

1) Oral hygiene tips after implant surgery

Unless you’re specifically instructed not to, on the day following surgery, light, gentle brushing of the teeth involved in the surgical area should be started. Please use a soft or extra soft toothbrush only.

Frequent gentle rinsing of the mouth with warm saltwater/peroxide (1 pinch salt, 1 teaspoon peroxide) AFTER the first 24 hours will aid in the healing process, and will keep the mouth clean. If prescribed, utilise the antibacterial mouth rinse (Colgate Savacol) twice daily and avoid eating or drinking for 20 minutes after each application.

2) How to handle discomfort

Following all types of surgery, a certain amount of discomfort is anticipated. If your pain is not adequately controlled by the prescribed medication, or if it persists for a prolonged period of time (5 days of more), please contact the Wickham Terrace Dental office.

Pain medication is recommended to alleviate swelling and discomfort during the initial healing period. The normal regime is 400mg ibuprofen (e.g. 2 x Nurofen 200mg tablets) and 1000mg paracetamol (eg. 2 x Panadol 500mg tablets) taken together as soon as you get home. Then two hours later, take another 400mg ibuprofen, two hours after that take another 1000mg paracetamol, and repeat as necessary.

3) Dealing with post-op swelling

A slight amount of swelling and discomfort is not unusual following most oral surgery, and will usually disappear within 2 or 3 days. Gently applying a cold compress to the surgery area for 5 to 10 minutes every 30 minutes (during the first 24 hours) will help to control the post-operative swelling and discomfort. If swelling persists, apply moist heat (warm washcloth or warm hot water bottle. If swelling continues after 2 days, or interferes with swallowing, please call the office.

4) Notes on bleeding after implant surgery

Please expect some bleeding or oozing which may stain your saliva. If bleeding is excessive (like a nose bleed) for more than 5 minutes, 2 hours after your procedure, continue to bite on gauze. Avoid exertion, lie down with your head elevated at least 30 degrees (two pillows), and call the office.

5) What to do if you have a fever

You may experience a slight fever or chills, which are nothing to worry about unless they persist for more than 24 hours. A persistent low-grade temperature or one above 38.8 degrees should be reported to our office.

6) What diet should you follow post-surgery?

Take fluids immediately and avoid chewing on the operated area of your mouth. You can eat soft foods until you feel ready to return to your regular diet.

May foods require little pressure to chew and provide the necessary nutrients: protein shakes, soups, stews, banana, cooked fish, cereals, pasta, mashed potatoes and whole grain soft breads. You should continue your usual vitamin supplements. Note that returning to your normal diet and proper calorie intake will promote faster healing.

7) Advice around special medications

If you are taking other medications prescribed by your physician, be sure to inform your doctor and continue taking them as usual unless otherwise directed. Antibiotics or other medication would normally be prescribed for you; please take these as prescribed and complete the full regimen as given. Female patients should also be aware that some antibiotics may interfere with the effectiveness of certain oral contraceptives.

Book your appointment with us today

Whether it’s been a while since your last dental appointment, or you’re simply looking for a quality dentist in the Brisbane CBD, we would love to see you.

To book your appointment with us, use the form above to the right or call our friendly team on 3831 3031 today. Please mention this special offer to claim your new patient discount.

Again, if you have ANY questions or concerns, please call our office on 3831 3031. Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery!


Andrew Teakle and the Wickham Terrace Dental team.